13. The lucky number

13.  This is the number of years I have been working in the ‘real world’ since graduating from The University of Auckland back in 2003.

After obtaining my undergraduate qualification, I completed one semester of my Masters in 2013, but decided to withdraw after being involved in a car accident.  No, I wasn’t injured in any way (however, my car didn’t fare so well) but I guess life flashed before my eyes and I decided it was time to get into the full-time workforce. In hindsight I was feeling jaded from studying and also lacked a passion for studying pure HR Management.

So how have the 13 years ensued since they fateful day when I collided into a car in Papatoetoe?

To reflect on this I decided to capture the events of the past 13 years in the form of a basic infographic.  I think it nicely sums up my journey as a Gen Y / older Millenial!





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